2019-23 – Matt's Classroom Console
As a teacher and a Computer Scientist, I'm always looking for ways to optimise my unrealistic workload. The sixth form college I work at use Google Classroom extensively and all my students' homeworks are assigned on there. With so much data available, and a keenness to learn more about the Classroom API, I created Matt's Classroom Console to automate parts of my job. Click for more info. -
2018-19 – PGCE Essays
As of Summer 2019, I have completed an FE PGCE at the University of Southampton. Now, a qualified teacher, I teach A-level Maths and Computer Science at a large Sixth Form College in the South of England. Click to read about my research into Computer Science education in the UK. -
2016-17 – Final Year Dissertation
An investigation into the usefulness of selected segmentation-derived techniques for aesthetic image quality analysis. One of the things I wanted to get out of university was to say that I did a project with a complicated clever-sounding title. I think it's safe to say that I definitely succeeded! Click for more information about my final year dissertation. -
2016 – Image Segmentation Talk
My second and final talk in the Churchill CompSci Talk Series was on the topic of Image Segmentation, which was relevant to my Part II Dissertation Project. I started by giving an overview of the problem to be solved, before going into some detail about Binary Thresholding, K-Means and Graph-Based Image Segmentation algorithms. I gave a demo of the Binary Thresholding and K-Means algorithms. Click for more information. -
2016 – Ray Tracer
Over the Summer holidays I set myself the project of creating a Ray Tracing program. I learnt about the basic algorithm in the Part IB Computer Graphics course just after Christmas, but didn't have the time to properly implement it. It's programmed in Java and includes the primitive shapes of spheres, infinite plates, planar polygons, procedurally tiled planes, and tori. It supports diffuse, specular and perfect light reflection, area lighting, refraction, and simple anti-aliasing supersampling. Click for more information. -
2016-18 – Cambridge Acoustic Sessions
A friend and I have an interest in film-making and sound recording, and we set up a YouTube channel and Facebook page called "Cambridge Acoustic Sessions". We film and record some of Cambridge's most talented musicians in some of Cambridge's most idyllic locations. Click for some links, and to watch our videos. -
2016 – Electronic Mail Talk
As part of the Churchill CompSci talk series, I gave an award-winning 1-hour talk about how email works, including the technical composition and journey of an email, and an overview of the University of Cambridge's email systems, Hermes and PPSW. Click for more information. -
2016 – Group Project MORI
For my second-year group project, I was part of a team of 6. We had six weeks to create an "Architecture for a Video Facebook". We learnt a lot about the struggles of time-restricted, group-based projects for real clients, and finished with a powerful, dynamic and scalable server architecture designed for nonlinear video processing. My main role was to create a language for describing a graph of video edits, and a parser for this language. Click for a talk giving a brief overview of our system. -
2015-16 – SSCSU Ents Rep
From Christmas 2015 to 2016, I was one of the SSCSU (Sidney Sussex College Students' Union) Entertainment Representatives. As well as being a member of the SSCSU Exec Committee and so being involved in the way our college's students' union is run, my main role was the organisation and running of student events in college. Click for more information. -
2015-16 – Sidney Sussex May Ball Website
I was one of the two Web & Ticketing officers for the Sidney Sussex College May Ball in 2016. As well as helping to manage the ticketing system and checking in guests at the event, I created the website, which has received much praise. -
2013-14 – Mechanics Simulator 2014
My Sixth Form second year Computing project was a program designed to teach and test basic A-Level Mechanics using simulation. It was written using VB.NET. Click for more information, including a download of the program.