PGCE Essays
Further Education and SkillsDuring my PGCE year, I completed three Masters-level 4000-word essays.
The research I did for my PGCE opened my eyes to some very interesting high-level analysis of how education works in the UK. There are conflicting agendas within and between government, employers and theorists. The definition and purposes of education and of curriculum are debated too. The research also brought me closer to the self-assessment and quality improvement cycle of my department and college.
I built up a detailed picture of Computer Science A-level. I have learnt about the way it is taught, the way the syllabus has been developed, and the way Computing education as a whole has changed through government reform in recent years. I have also thought deeply about the impact this all has on students, teachers, institutions, and industry itself.
The final essay is a report on a small Action Research project which I carried out in order to investigate one of the identified issues at my college. This was an investigation into the effects of low-stakes knowledge recall testing in my classes.
First Essay – Wider Issues & Government Policy
A critical evaluation of the impact of government STEM policy and curriculum reform on Computer Science A Level -
Second Essay – Curriculum Development & Evaluation
A critical analysis of Computer Science A-level within a college curriculum, using design and evaluation theory to determine the efficacy of self-assessment and quality improvement -
Third Essay – Action Research Project
An investigation into the effect of regular low-stakes recall testing on performance in knowledge and understanding examination questions in A-level Computer Science