Sidney Sussex College Ents Rep
The SidEnts team have, over the past year and a half, revived Sidney's Ents presence, and now put on very fun and popular events for all of Sidney's undergraduates. We run pub quizzes, live music nights, open mic nights, comedy smokers, bops (costume-themed club-like parties in the college bar), silent discos, and more.
I'm no longer on the Sidney Ents team, but a friend and I filmed and edited a video showcasing some of our favourite events of the year:
See below for pictures and videos of some of our events:
Lights at this year's Freshers' Silent Disco
We had a marquee and hired light stands and smoke machines
Dancing at the Silent Disco
The first Bop of the year, the 'Alphabet Bop'
Timelapse setting up for the 'Glow' bop.
Click here for our Facebook page, to see official photographs.